What is Data Quality in Big Data?

Data quality practices from BI and data warehousing are geared towards data cleansing to improve data correctness and data integrity which is used for reporting purposes. Correctness is difficult to determine when using data from external sources, and structural integrity can be difficult to test with unstructured and differently structured (non-relational) data. As the volume, sources, and velocity of data creation increase, businesses are grappling with the reality of figuring out what to do with it all and how to do it. And if your business hasn't determined the most real way to use its own data, then you're missing out on critical opportunities to transform your business and gain a significant advantage.

Of course, without good data, it's a heck of a lot harder to do what you want to do. Whether you're launching a new product or service, or simply responding to the moves of your biggest competitor, making smart, timely business decisions depends almost entirely on the quality of data you have at hand.


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